The 7th Episode Is The One You Shouldn’t Miss!

Kinjal Shah
2 min readJul 2, 2020


A podcast originally recorded and published by WebEngage.

We’re 6 podcast episodes down the line already and I am here again convincing you to listen to the 7th and the most sensational episode!

EngageCast, a homegrown podcast series by WebEngage, is highly sensitive to the ever-evolving consumer mindset towards products and services being offered. And this stands beyond true during the COVID-19 pandemic. Markets and industries of all sizes are going through a major shift when it comes to targeting their users with all the ‘essentials’ while the pandemic still surges on.

In our quest to crack the code of dealing with this consumer behavior shift, we invited leading marketing and product maestros across industries to share their strategies, hacks, tips and tricks of driving sales during the pandemic. Check them all out here.

But in this post, I’d like to highlight the brand new episode featuring Sindhu Biswal, Senior Growth Marketer at Pocket Aces — the parent company of FilterCopy, Dice Media, Gobble, and Loco. Prior to Pocket Aces, he played a pivotal role in-app and event marketing at Paytm Insider. Sindhu was also one of the founding members at Dogether — India’s first peer to peer social platform.

Listen to the full episode.



Kinjal Shah

Content Marketer @ WebEngage. Logophile. Creative. Child at heart. Free spirit. Founder @ Smallogs.